Didn't Know Yesterday


Funeral Home in Alabama?

Saturday, January 2, 2010   1 Comments

A friend of mine, sent me a forward regarding a funeral home in Alabama. The forward describes a Steelers fan's funeral arrangement, complete with favorite recliner, black and gold pajamas, Steeler highlights on a tv and pictures to along with it all. Bama seems to be the butt end of a lot of southern jokes, but something didn't sit well.

After doing a little googling here's what I found:
The funeral did actually take place, however it took place at a funeral home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. James Henry Smith was a huge Steelers fan, and when he passed away from prostate cancer, his family was able to plan the unique viewing. For this viewing Smith lay in his favorite recliner, his feet crossed and a remote in his hand. He wore black and gold silk pajamas, slippers and a robe. A pack of cigarettes and a beer were at his side, while a high-definition TV played a continuous loop of Steelers highlights. That is a true die hard Steelers fan.

...and lets be honest. Alabama takes their football seriously. If this was truly an Alabama funeral, I'd expect to see the man in Alabama's Crimson Red or Auburn's Blue and Orange colors.


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Professional organization for licensed funeral directors, embalmers, mortuary science students, and retired funeral service professionals. this site

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