Didn't Know Yesterday


Manhole covers are round because...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009   0 Comments

Round Manhole Cover
Q: Why Are Manhole Covers Round?
A: Because Manholes are round.

This question was once asked by tech companies to witness a potential candidates problem solving and cognitive skills. But in reality there is no single answer to the questions, and most could be considered the correct answer.

Here are a few correct answers:
  • A circular cover can not fall through a circular opening it was designed to match, but a square or rectangular cover could, if placed at an angle. This seems to be the most popular answer I found in my research.

  • Round tubes are stronger, then square tubes and with stand higher environmental pressures.

  • Because holes are round.

  • Circular covers do not need to be rotated to fit the opening. This reminds me of carving pumpkins and leaving a key to easily match the lid to the opening
  • so when the cover is removed the 100lb cover can easily be rolled.
  • Most manhole workers are round, so it only fitting the hole and thus the covers are round.

  • because thats how they were always made.which is not true

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