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'The' Ohio State University... whats in the name.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I'll preface this post by saying I'm NOT a college football fan. When I do watch, I pull for the University of Alabama, from my family ties and lack of a better option. There however is this one piece of college sports tradition I never understood. 'The' Ohio State University.
During player introductions for Sunday or Monday night NFL games, the players state their name and the college or high school they attended. Besides the random high school thats laid down, Ohio State Alumni, always announce at the name as "THE Ohio State University", with a special emphasis on the "The". Never quite understood that, so I dug a little deeper and ended up with a history lesson.
Founded under the Mirill Act (1862) as the Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical college in 1870, the university was designed to support the local farming and agricultural industry in the area. The Morill act was created schools of mechanic and agricultural arts and was located in the north side of Columbus. Despite its original purpose, then Governor, Rutherford B. Hayes, insisted on a more traditional, comprehensive university and rallied the board of trustees towards that. When their doors admitted their first undergrads in 1878 the college changes its name to 'The Ohio State University' with the 'The' as a part of its official title.
So now when people ask, why do they say 'THE' Ohio State University, you can be a smart ass and reply... 'cause that''s their name'.
Labels: Names, Ohio, Sports, United States, University
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