Didn't Know Yesterday
Is it Ring or Bring in the New Year?
Thursday, December 31, 2009

The original saying was 'ring in the New Year' however, it seems appropriate to say 'bring in' the New Year as it seems much more welcoming.
The origin of the phrase comes from Mother England. Churches around the country would ring their bells to signify the passing of the old year. This is similar to the tolling of church bells for someone who has passed away. The bells would continue to chime past midnight, ringing in and welcoming a new year.
Either way it's a time to reflect on the last year of our life. Memories created, loved ones lost, and lessons learned. Its also a time to look forward to a prosperous year ahead, without any regrets or reservations.
Happy New Years! See ya in 2010 and let's try not to start it off with a hang over. :)
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