Didn't Know Yesterday


Homemade Gnat Trap

Monday, September 28, 2009   0 Comments

After a weekend away, we discovered a small gnat infestation in our kitchen from some fruit we over looked. I spend the next 10 minutes attempting to kill the 30 gnats flying around our kitchen. Laughing, my girl friend introduced me to a simple and quite effective homemade gnat trap, and sure enough within a half hour the trap had claimed 8 gnats. So here's how you do it.

Small Bowl, Plastic Cling Wrap, Apple Cider Vinegar, and a tooth pick.

  1. Poor 1-2 oz of Apple Cider Vinegar into the Small Bowl.

  2. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap, ensure a tight seal, especially along the edges.

  3. with the toothpick poke 4-6 holes in the middle of the plastic wrap. The wholes shouldn't be much be much wider then the toothpick diameter. Just wide enough for a fat gnat.

  4. Place the trap out near your infestation.

Attracted to the odor of the vinegar, the gnats will find their way through the plastic wrap, and into the apple cider vinegar lake of death. The gnats will attempt to crawl up the sides, so its important the plastic wrap has a tight seal. You can also use a rubber band if the plastic wrap isn't very clingy.

Not So Expert Tip:
Additionally I added a couple of drops of vinegar to the top of the trap to attract more gnats. Don't know if this is effective or not.

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