Didn't Know Yesterday


Frozen Dead Guy Days and Grandpa Bredo

Thursday, September 17, 2009   0 Comments

Folks in Colorado must be hard up on things to do when the snow isn't falling. If 'Headless Chicken Day' wasn't weird enough, I hear about Frozen Dead Guy Days.

The town of Nederland, holds Frozen Dead Guy Days at the end of winter. Festivities include fund raisers, parties, a coffin race and a polar plunge. All good small-town celebrations must have a great back story and this one doesn't fail.

20 years ago a Norwegian man name Trygve Bauge, brought his recently decrease grand father Bredo Morstøl to a cryonic facility until 1993. At that time Bredo was transported to Nederland, preserved on dry ice with the intention of creating their own facility. Trygve was deported, yet Bredo remained frozen behind an unfinished home and cared for by Aud, Trygve's Mother. Unfortunately she would soon face an eviction, but upon the public hearing about Bredo still frozen in the backyard, an exception was made. A local company now maintains the mini cryogenic facility within a new shed.

Frozen Dead Guy Days is now celebrated every March with Coffin races, slow motion Hearse parades, Bredo look-a-like contents and a polar plunge. The highlight however is the tour of the Tuff shed where Grandpa Bredo still resides.

just too weird...


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